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The Dutch landscape architecture magazine "blauwe kamer" created a whole issue on forests and I am honored that my project "Learning to live with forest (again)" is a part of it.

And somehow I am on the cover :)


In fall 2023 Fischbach Collective (a collaboration of Atelier Fischbach with Elza Berzina, Ester Heimans, Lieke de Jong and Theo Ploeg) created a unique future landscape experience for the Future Studio Rhein Maas that was presented in Aachen. We were honored to be invited by the Dutch College van Rijksadviseurs and the German BBSR Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung.


Together with a diverse group of planners from the Netherlands and Germany we dived into possible futures for the region around Heerlen-Aachen. Embedded in the landscape they met our fictional future protagonists Yona and Eva that told about their vision for the regional landscape and how they live with it in 2100.


This winter, at the first new moon of the year, we harvested a silver fir from my mothers forest to become a collaborative project with artist Gerbrand Burger - Tree as Home.


come to our research exhibition 'Sensorial Botanies' at the Botanical Gardens of Dundee - the first part of an ongoing project with Desiree Coral and Deniz Kirkali


19th august till 10th september 2022 at the Green Gallery


visit our School of Multispecies Knowledges at Zone2source


on Saturday 2.7. Samar Khan, Sandipan Nath and me will host a two-part immersive walk to the river and back

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listen to a guided walk along Tank Stream in Sydney created by me, Carolyn F. Strauss and Cocky Eek. Invited by Slow Research Lab and created for the Biennale of Sydney 2022.

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join the Toekomstatelier of the Dutch CRA on 1st of april and visit my performative installation on shifting our thinking from scarcity to abundance - all flourishing is mutual

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listen to a conversation between me and Vida Rucli

on Radio Robida

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check out RHINO. in collaboration with Mizt aan de Maas, developed with Failed Architecture for the Biennale di Venezia 2021 - as part of 'Stories on Earth'.

listen to our podcast

watch our videowork


read my essay 'Topographic Living' in Carolyn F. Strauss's amazingly edited 'Slow Spatial Reader' recently published by Valiz.

also have a look at the opening program 'Reading Slow Spatial Practice' at HNI

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follow our students and their project 'FOREST AS HOME'

an interdisciplinary P5 design and research project on 'growing - harvesting - building' with many excursions in NL and AT -

programme of the Academy of Architecture Amsterdam

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keep an eye on 'Landscaping' - an interdisciplinary research and performance series organized by festival Why Not

I was invited to inspire the research period at the Tolhuistuin to create an interdisciplinary approach towards Landscape&Body - read more in the publication 'Moving beyond the Landscape'

more performances will follow in 2022


read my essay 'on small and big fires'

in the new edition of the wonderful Robida Magazine

and many, many more inspiring contributions on sale here


have a look at the 'meeting grounds' programme at onomatopee (25.3.-24.4.2021) at various community gardens in eindhoven

join my workshop 'being (in) a place' - on investigating (personal) relationships with place:

online on saturday 17 April, 16.00 via Zoom

and live saturday 24 April 10.30-12.30

at De Kloosterbos, Eindhoven


listen to my guided walk 'A BREATH OF FRESH AIR'

this contribution is part of the public programme 'When I look through my browser window I can feel the fresh air' curated by Marijn Bril for CIVA Festival 2021.

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on residency at the 'Buitenwerkplaats' in the Starnmeerpolder (NL) thinking about our relationship with forests

join my online artist talk on 4th december

via cultureland's instagram

watch the 'talent tours' videos that are part of this years talentdevelopment of creative industries fund

check out my ongoing research "Learning to live with forest (again)" supported by the talentdevelopment


watch my film 'Landscape as House' at MU hybrid artspace in Eindhoven on exhibition during the 'Self Design Academy'

18.9. - 22.11.2020

and get my practice booklet 'walk, play, collect, care, inhabit'

drop by at our vernissage of the three 'topographic furnitures' in the riverbed at Bozenau (AT) - Friday 7.8.2020

collectively built during the lovely summer workshop 'im fluss'

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watch my film 'Landscape as House' at Wroclaw Architecture museum on exhibition during 'Terra X infinity - Archive of the Future' 25.10.2019 - 12.1.2020

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